Do it Like a Pilot
“Do it Like a Pilot” takes the reader into the flight deck – one of the most complicated workplaces ever designed and operated by among the most efficient teams ever trained.
Each day, millions of people across the world put their lives in the hands of total strangers to safely transport them in a dynamic environment at speeds approaching the sound barrier. For those passengers, to do so is an incredible act of trust, bordering upon a leap of faith.
In part, the success of flight crews can be attributed to clarity, simplicity and process. This involves taking what may seem to be involved and overwhelming, or even life-threatening tasks and breaking them down into smaller, logical and achievable steps. In reality, many of the skills, mindsets and processes employed by flight crews are readily transferable.
Simple and concise – this book will explain these methods and offers a framework that can be overlaid upon your business, or your life.